To the soccer players of Los
Angeles Galaxy – Los Angeles (State of California) – United States
of America
Circular No. 01
Anápolis GO – (Brazil), January 3,
Friends, play soccer with
joy and dedication, but do not stop loving God
with all your heart and above everything else, because he who loves
the Lord is victorious in all battles... love overcomes everything,
love overcomes all obstacles and difficulties:
“Just as death relieves us of all our
worldly goods, of wealth, of dignities, of relatives and friends and
of all earthly pleasures; so the love of God, when it governs our
heart, relieves us of our ties to these worldly goods”
(Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori).
See how the world strives to bring
happiness to men, but brings only sadness. See how the world is
empty and full of bitterness. Wretched is the soccer player who
abandons the Lord for the support of the joys of the world: he will
never find happiness, because the world offers only the shadow of
true happiness.
An athlete has the duty to think
daily of the greatness of God and the smallness
of the world... the beauty of God and the
ugliness of the world... the love of God
and the hatred of the world... the happiness
that comes from on high and the bitterness that
comes from material goods... The world is nothing, only God is
everything: “The world offers nothing
that is good or stable. Its goods are no more than vanity, deception
and bitterness. Its promises are sterile, false and treacherous. Its
honors, its pleasures, its friendships lead to slavery, sin and
apostasy” (Saint Peter Julian Eymard).
Dear friends, do not be deceived
by the world and its promises, but seek refuge in the Lord alone...
open up your heart to the Immense God whose heart is always open and
ready to welcome his faithful, confident children:
“Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is
my fortress, I will not be shaken.! My salvation and my honor depend
on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge!” (Psalm
62, 8-9).
The soccer player that opens up
his heart to the world gathers only garbage, because the world
cannot give him anything good: there is
no truth, no love, no peace, no salvation in the world...
Do good whilst there is time, life
goes by in a flash.
I will pray for the board and
supporters of this pleasant team.
I bless you and keep you in the
Heart of the Virgin Mary.
Father Divino Antônio Lopes FP.